- WebsitePage
- Project/Game
- Shipped
- Skill/Language/CS
- Skill/GameEngine/Unity
- Skill/DeveloperTool/Github
- Skill/DeveloperTool/VisualStudio
pageTitle: Matthew's Portfolio - Table Fable
pageImg: "![[Table Fable Title.png]]"
pageDesc: |-
Designed and developed interactive animations for cards and particle animations for ambient objects.
Developed essential features for card interaction in 3D world and for spectating.
pageRank: 6
projectDateStart: 2022-01-01
projectDateEnd: 2022-04-01
projectTeam: |-
2 Programmers
2 Artists
1 Game Designer
1 Audio Engineer
projectRole: Programmer
projectDesc: PvP card game with local/online multiplayer.
Matthew North - Portfolio - Table Fable
Engine | Team | Role | Timeline |