- WebsitePage
- Project/TechPreview
- Skill/Language/CS
- Skill/GameEngine/Unity
- Skill/LibraryFramework/PyTorch
- Skill/LibraryFramework/UnityMLAgents
- Skill/DeveloperTool/Github
- Skill/DeveloperTool/VisualStudio
pageTitle: Matthew's Portfolio - Machine Learning Flappy Bird
pageImg: "![[Flappy Bird Title.png]]"
pageDesc: |-
Used reinforcement learning on a neural network to train the bird to pass pipes.
Used PyTorch with CUDA and Unity ML Agents libraries for training the network.
Used Tensorboard for viewing realtime training information.
pageRank: 12
projectDateStart: 2023-03-25
projectDateEnd: 2023-04-01
projectTeam: 1 Programmer
projectRole: Lead Programmer
projectDesc: A tech preview about birds.
Matthew North - Portfolio - Machine Learning Flappy Bird
Engine | Team | Role | Timeline |